La Jacobine, Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris - Lavender and Lime (2024)

June 12, 2019May 3, 2022 ~ Tandy

Situated in Rue Saint-André des Arts, you will find La Jacobine. This casual eatery is open late at night and is perfectly located in Saint Germain des Prés, Paris. For us when choosing where to dine when in Paris, we always look for something local. We prefer to be in walking distance of the restaurant from where we stay. La Jacobine was 100 metres from the door of our hotel. There are plenty of places to eat at in this area, but if you are looking for a great bowl of onion soup then look no further.

La Jacobine

The restaurant does not have many tables and is really popular and so I would recommend that you make a booking. They open at 12pm and Dave and Eric went to make the reservation. We were all quite surprised when they were told to come at 19h30, which is very early by Paris standards. When we arrived on time we discovered that the booking had been made for the Sunday evening. We were told to come back in an hour, and we upset many people by walking to the front of the queue. This queue did not seem to get any shorter between when we arrived the first time at 19h30 and left after our meal.

To start

Dave, Eric and I decided to have a local beer to drink. The men went for Sans Culotte Blond and I had the Amber (€6.40). Bev had a bottle of Evian water (€4.50). Bev planned on having dessert and Eric, Dave and I went for the entrée and plat option. This was €27 a head and the plat and dessert is €26 per head. Both Eric and I had the soupe à l’oignon gratinée maison, and I was not disappointed at all. Dave, who does not like crunchy onions, had a taste of the onion soup and commented on how good it was. Dave had tartiflette à la saucisse de Montbékiard et Reblochon. This was a really tasty sausage and cheese dish.

Our main course

Bev and Dave had papillote de saumon á la Florentine (€19) for their main course. The salmon was done to perfection. Eric chose the filet mignon de porc á la Moutarde á l’ancienne. The whole-grain mustard sauce complimented the pork. I decided to have tagine de poulet fermier aux citron confits. This lemon flavoured chicken was excellent. The portions were so generous that Bev did not manage to finish her meal and decided not to have dessert.

Make a booking

Contact them on +33 1 46 34 15 95 or find them at 59/61 Rue Saint-André des Arts 75006.

Inspiration published on Lavender and Lime June 12:
    • 2017 – Banana And Peanut Butter Cake
    • 2016 –GlassesShop Review
    • 2015 –Out And About: Friday 12 June 2015
    • 2014 –Potato And Butternut Latkes
    • 2013 –Mo And Rose Bistro
    • 2012 –Pears Poached In Red Wine
    • 2011 –Friday’s Food Quiz Number 56

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Published by Tandy

I am passionate about using regional, seasonable and sustainable produce when I cook. I live in Gordons Bay with my husband and dogs. We visit new places locally and overseas as often as we can to experience the food of the area. Follow along on our adventures!View all posts by Tandy

  1. Being within walking dinner of restaurants in Paris sounds absolutely thrilling Tandy! How fun!!



    1. It is really convenient 🙂



  2. Everything has reblechon cheese on it in my neck of the woods.. always delicious.. 😉



    1. It was so good.



  3. Sounds amazing!



    1. Thank you 🙂



  4. Hi Tandy, You always manage to eat well on your travels – obviously part and parcel of any trip…It looked delicious.Best wishes. x



    1. We do try and eat well 🙂



  5. Wow what a find! I love places within walking distance from the hotel. It makes things so much easier that way.



    1. For sure!



  6. All those dishes look really delicious, and also very innovative. French cuisine never seems to really fossilize, despite all the traditions!

    best… mae at



    1. I love how simple and yet tasty these dishes were 🙂



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La Jacobine, Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris - Lavender and Lime (2024)


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